Money Jars

Mobile App
Money Jars, a payment app for users to prevent overspending

The Problem

When users overspend it occurs by surprise. Most budgets and financial advice rely on disciplined budgets. Users process many daily tasks and decisions for them to keep track of their finances. Ultimately leading them to overspend.

User Interviews
In person 20 minute sessions
“I am not a numbers person period”

“I wish someone could do the math for me”

“Once I overspend thats it I’m not tracking anything”

“Organizing my past spending takes forever”

“Budgeting never works I try it for a while...but never lasts”
Competitive Analysis

Final Thoughts

The initial draft of questions were too broad. Users were sharing many varied pain points. By editing broad questioning of the interviews and surveys to be more specific the questions to allow users to share more detailed responses.
Room for improvement
Testing for visual effectiveness was not easy. I feel there is still more room to explore for establishing the criteria of what makes visuals effective. For this project I utilized very helpful academic papers. For future projects I will definitely try including more supplemental research.
Once user research was conducted the pain points were resoundingly repetitive and encouraged easy selection of key features to include in the MVP’s addressing the pain points as well as the ultimate goal of preventing overspending.
- Photos from
- Supplemental Resesarch Paper: Borkin, Michelle & Vo, Azalea & Bylinskii, Zoya & Isola, Phillip & Sunkavalli, Shashank & Oliva, Aude & Pfister, Hanspeter. (2013). What Makes a Visualization Memorable?. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics